1) Defects rule, 24 are indicative of a defect in systems (table), field labeling system, part of the irrigation system (covers, wiring) and on fairways around the putting green stone marks, surveying marks, equipment for cleaning balls, statues, bridges, benches and waste bins, log cabins, artificial surfaces, roads and trails. Rare stones are firmly in the field (i.e fairway ruogh), stones in bunkers (movable obstruction) and Individual 1st bearing tree stakes. Way left of the putting green, 17th is defect. Drainage ditch along the road between holes 5/6th, 7/8th, 11/13th and 12/16th are integral parts and thus, failure. The white stakes left on hole no. 14. and left on hole no. 18 for players playing well, another immovable obstruction.
2) Immovable Obstructions near the putting green: If the ball lies on the fairway and immovable obstruction on the putting green or within two club-lengths of the putting green, which is within two club-lengths from the ball, impedes the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows: the ball must lift and drop to the closest point relative to where the ball lies, which (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) provides relief from the interference, (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green.
3) Abnormal ground condition, rule 25: ground in an abnormal state are indicated by blue stakes. Furthermore, even without marking it without a continuous area of grassland in low-cut surfaces (path and putting green).
4) Out of bounds rule 27: Boundaries are marked by white stakes on the edge of the road on the left side of the fairway no. 1, on the left side edge of the forest on the fairway no. 2, 4, 5 and 6 and putting green no 6, the right side of the fairway no. 10, (edge of driving range) and to the left of the fairway 18. Out of bounds also forms the inner edge of the trees on the right side no.14 and putting green no. 15 state road.
5) Training on the practice hole par 3: Training on the practice hole are at risk of injury. Without supervision of trainees, players, are liable for thier own safety.
6) Distance markers: distances of 50m, 100m, 150m, 200m are measured to the front edge of the green.
7) Ethics: Do not have practice swings on the tees. Leave the putting green immediately after the game. Repair divots on fairways, repair ball pitch marks on the greens and rake bunkers on fairways straight after playing your shot. Playing with DRIVING RANGE BALLS are FORBIDDEN on the couse at any time. Failure to do so are penalised of CZK 500. Observe the pace of the game (9 holes - 2.5 hrs.). Follow the instructions of the marshal and field staff.
8) Failure to comply with the rules will be banned without compensation from the course.
All players on the course and training grounds are obliged to follow the instructions of the resort staff and on request are required to show proof of payment of gaming cards. In the event that demonstrated the proof of non payment of gaming cards, employees of the club will immediately take players off the course to the front desk and they will be charged a fee in the amount of the green fee, to which the payment will not be admitted to the course.
Club members, who do not register before the game at the club reception, will be charged the amount of the green fee, to which the payment will not be admitted to the course and the payment will be done with them blocking on the server ČGF.
The entire assembly of the flight must be the start time registered by name.
In the flight may be up to four players.
The player is obliged to observe exactly at the reception booked starting time. After a 5 minute delay no longer are not entitled to the reserved time.
The time limit for the play is set at 2:30 (9 holes) and 5:00 (18 holes)
The time limit is controlled by the Marshall, who at delaying the game may, after repeated warnings to be excluded from the game without refunding the green-fee.
Without the consent of the receptionist, players can not start the game from a different tee than the 1st.
All users of the golf course are obliged to follow golf etiquette, ie. Replace divots (tee off), rake bunkers, repare ball pitch makes on the putting green. It is forbidden to throw cigarette butts on the course.
It is forbidden to play with practice ball from the Driving Range !!!
It is not allowed to play without a shirt collar or sleeveless, shorts are allowed in length just above the knee, women with collarless shirts without sleeves, no undershirt. Ban on entry to the course and practice areas in JEANS.
It is forbidden to have unrestrained dogs on the golf course. It is allowed to take the dog to the ground on a leash. On the restaurant terrace dogs must be tethered to a leash.
Dogs are not allowed,even on a leash, to enter the club building.